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New Herbicides on the Market

There are several new herbicide registrations for the 2021 cropping season, some with new or novel modes of action. However, with Covid-19 still slowing down global distribution short supply will be experienced for some of this new chemistry thus affecting their entry to market.  We endeavour to have new chemistry in farmer scale demonstrations and replicated trials to showcase them in the field and illustrate how they may fit into your system moving forward.


New Pre-Emergent herbicides for a range of crops:

Luximax (BASF)

Luximax was released in 2019 and is a novel group T mode of action from BASF, containing 750 g/L Cinmethylin. Registered for use in wheat (does not include durum wheat) applied pre-emergent incorporation by sowing (IBS), for the control of annual ryegrass, amongst others.  Luximax is quite mobile, making its fit in low to medium rainfall zones.  Need to make sure the seed sowing depth is at least 30mm to minimise the potential for crop damage.


Overwatch (FMC)

Overwatch is a novel group Q herbicide from FMC, containing 400 g/L Bixlozone. It is registered in wheat, barley and canola applied IBS, for the control of annual ryegrass, wireweed, lesser loosestrife, see label for full weed list.  In paddock demos and trials, bleaching of the early leaf has generally been observed but the plant has grown out of it.  Overwatch is looking to be best suited for use in the barley and wheat rotation to reduce the pressure on Sakura and trifluralin.


Relfex (Syngenta)

Reflex is a new group G from Syngenta, containing 240 g/L Fomesafen.  Registered in pulses as both IBS, and post sowing pre-emergent (PSPE), only IBS for lentils.  For the control of broadleaf weeds such as wild radish, see label for full weed list.  Western AG trials have shown good crop safety applied in faba beans both IBS and PSPE over multiple seasons.


Ultro (Adama)

Ultro is a novel group E from Adama, containing 900 g/kg Carbetamide.  Registered in pulses applied IBS providing exceptional control of annual ryegrass.  Western AG trialled UItro in the 2020 season and will once again be showcasing it in the 2021 season.  Unfortunately, product is of short supply for 2021 with a full-scale release in time for the 2022 season expected.  This will no doubt be a go to product for annual ryegrass control in pulses into the future.


New Pre-Emergent/Spike Herbicide:

Voraxor (BASF)

Voraxor is a new group G pre-emergent or spike from BASF, containing 250 g/L Saflufenacil and 125 g/L Trifludomoxazin.  Voraxor can be applied using higher rates (200-240 mL/ha) as IBS, or lower rate (100 mL/ha) as a spike.  Western AG IBS demo showed good toad rush and wild radish control.


As a spike Voraxor can be used with Glyphosate or Paraquat for the control of annual ryegrass, barley grass, wireweed (see label for full list of weeds).  We will once again be looking at Voraxor for improving efficacy on annual ryegrass control in combination with glyphosate and paraquat.  Marshmallow control when using Voraxor as a spike with Glyphosate and Hasten (oil adjuvant), showed good efficacy in a Western AG marshmallow replicated trial completed February 2020.


We are currently running a demonstration site at Birchip, in the southern Mallee, using a Voraxor spike on rosinweed in a summer knock down situation.  The preliminary observations are looking good and showing a greater control over glyphosate followed by paraquat double knock and ester 680 single knock.


New Spike Herbicide:

Terrad’or (Nufarm)

Terrad’or is a new group G spike from Nufarm, containing 700 g/kg Tiafenacil.  Terrad’or can be partnered with Paraquat or Glyphosate for use in double knocks.  It has shown good knock down effect on annual ryegrass when used in combination with these two products, see label for full weed list.  Western AG trialled it in the 2019-2020 summer period on Marshmallow which showed good efficacy on plants that survived a glyphosate knock down and heavy grazing.  Terrod’or was applied with glyphosate and Banjo (oil adjuvant).


With the range of new herbicides on the market and some novel modes of action, emphasis on rotating modes of action for each crop is an important consideration when planning pre-emergent herbicide strategies.  Different modes of action can be used between the IBS and in crop herbicides.  All the new modes of action help to reduce resistance formation when used as an integrated strategy.


It is always important to use more than herbicide controls alone. WeedSmart’s ‘Big 6’ is important to keep in mind to reduce pressure on new herbicides and keep them working on your farm for as long as possible:

  1. Rotate crops and pastures

  2. Double knock

  3. Mix and rotate herbicides

  4. Stop weed set

  5. Crop competition

  6. Harvest weed seed control


For further advice on the best tactic to control your specific weeds using pre-emergent and in crop herbicides, or for more information regarding the replicated trials and demonstrations being run in 2021, speak with your Western AG agronomist.

Article produced by - Adrik Wright, Western AG RD&E

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