New Syngenta Seed Treatment Mode of Action for the Control of Blackleg in Canola
Saltro Duo is a new seed treatment from Syngenta targeting blackleg, pythium and rhizoctonia in canola. Western AG have been conducting replicated trials comparing Saltro Duo with the current standards Jockey, Flutriafol, as well as in combination with in-crop foliar applications. The trial is still under evaluation at this point so preliminary trial results can only be shared at this time.
Bonito (R-MR) canola was planted on a wahoo (MR) stubble from last year to simulate high blackleg pressure and assess fungicide performance across the trial against an untreated control. Assessments are being taken on the percentage of cotyledon disease infection to quantify leaf area and plant loss due to blackleg during the plants early growth stages right up until full cabbage.
Visually, large differences in crop vigour can be seen when comparing fungicide treatments to the UTC (photo 1) which highlights the importance of blackleg control. Saltro Duo + Impact & Jockey + Impact are doing an exceptional job at reducing the blackleg pressure (Photo 2&3). Neville Marra (Syngenta Territory Sales Manager) commented that "Saltro Duo is consistently giving better establishment than Jockey and is reducing stem canker on a consistent basis over numerous trials. Saltro Duo also controls pythium and rhizoctonia and has no impact on seedling establishment which can sometimes be experienced with Jockey which flows onto yield benefits at harvest ” Saltro Duo will be sold as a co-pack of Maxim XL + Saltro which is a new seed treatment mode of action for controlling Blackleg and is expected to be registered in early 2020.
Photos of the trial below illustrate the different in treatments. More information on the performance of the industry standards versus Saltro Duo will be available as the assessment's continue throughout the season right up until harvest.
For any further information on this Western AG trial please contact myself or the RD&E team.
Photo 1. Untreated Control
Photo 3. Jockey + Impact (Flutriafol)
Photo 2. Saltro Duo + Impact (Flutriafol)
Photo 4. Jockey treatment only
Photo 5. Saltro Duo treatment only
Article produced by- James Jess Western AG Ballarat