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Western AG Ramps Up Research Commitment In 2019

With a growing importance in bringing new product technology to the farming landscape, Western AG has bolstered its research capacity and recently welcomed a new RD&E Agronomist to the company. Adrik Wright will be assisting research trials across the Western AG footprint. Adrik has extensive knowledge in environmental monitoring after completing an Environmental Science degree some 10 years ago and is currently completing a further Agricultural Science degree at Latrobe University. His primary role within Western AG will be to assist in the extensive trial program that we are undertaking and deliver quality results for our research partners and clients.


The Western AG research work for 2019 includes:   

Syngenta: Replicated trials looking into the key pipeline products to be release in the next 1-3 years including blackleg seed treatments/fungicides, broadleaf Pre-Em controls in pulse crops and broadleaf Pre-Em control in cereals. More details of the products will become available throughout the season with opportunities for clients to visit specific trial sites and view results.


SprayGro: Replicated trials surrounding copper applications and the influence on yield and grain quality in copper deficient soil types. Trial work will also integrate how copper is delivered and the use of Custom Trace Element mixes to determine differences between products and timings.  


Sipcam Aust & SFS: Replicated trials evaluating the plant activator product Avalanch and stress mitigation in Faba Beans. This trial will aim to answer questions around applications at key timings that influence the stress effects of heat & frost at flowering. It is focussed heavily on premium fungicide strategies intended to eliminate as much risk from foliar disease as possible using a premium approach to fungicides.


Nufarm: Replicated trial work and demonstrations around key pipeline products will begin in early Spring with pre-launch information to assist product awareness and adoption.


CSIRO, Flurosat, Agworld, PCT, AgLink Project: This research involves a 3-year government funded program looking to develop predictive tools to help Growers and Agronomists make more informed decisions on nitrogen, crop stress, moisture status and aid a better decision-making process overall. Western AG’s key role within this project is to help “ground truth” layers, enhance the power of the algorithm and speed up learning to improve result accuracy.  More information on this trial will be available once the “ground truthing” begins.  Please contact Western AG if you have any questions or would like to assist in the collection of data for this project.
As well as the key projects listed above, Western AG is conducting a multitude of on-farm demo strips looking into new pasture, canola and cereal varieties as well as simple nutrition demonstrations for on-farm validation of soil results. For any further information on the 2019 trial program, please don’t hesitate to contact Western AG.


Article produced by - James Jess, Western AG Bannockburn

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