Wheat and Barley Variety Options in HRZ's
With grain harvest now underway in SW Victoria, it’s a great opportunity to consider what wheat and barley varieties will form part of your cropping program for 2020. Here is a short list of wheat and barley varieties showing strong performances throughout the high rainfall zone of Victoria.
RGT Accroc (Seed Force): This wheat has taken high market share in France and is performing really well in the HRZ. It’s proving to be the main feed/dual purpose wheat variety for South West Vic. It can be grazed during winter and it has high grain yield potential and good grain quality. It is best suited to late April/early May sowing. Stem rust MR, stripe rust R, leaf rust S, yellow leaf spot MRMS, Septoria MRMS.
LRPB Beaufort (Grain Search): Mid-season maturity spring wheat well suited to medium to high rainfall environments of South West Vic. It has good straw strength and has proved to be a high grain yielder under dryer spring conditions compared to other feed red wheats. It has a high level of resistance to both leaf and stripe rust, however, shows susceptibility to stem rust.
LRPB Trojan (Pacific Seeds): Has been in most wheat cropping programs since 2013, has shown a really good resistance profile particularly to Septoria tritici. It has a large grain, low screenings and high-test weight. One strong advantage of Trojan over the years has been its adaptability to a range of seasons and environments. 2019 season has thrown a new challenge for Trojan with a new strain of stripe rust likely to take resistance profile form MR to MS/S. Talk to your Western AG agronomist about management going forward
RGT Calabro New (Seed Force): This variety is worth mentioning given its strong performance since its Australian release in 2018. Feed quality bearded, medium-long growing season winter wheat with potential for high yields in the medium and high rainfall zone. Star performer at the 2017 GRDC-funded hyper yielding cereals project in Tasmania which averaged nearly 17t/ha in trial! Also topped the 2018 Streatham long season wheat NVT trial ahead of Revenue, Adagio & Accroc. Stem rust MRMS, stripe rust R, leaf rust MS, yellow leaf spot MRMS and Septoria MRMS.
RGT Planet (Seed Force): Continues its strong performance in the HRZ since its 2017 release. Now with malt accreditation in Australia it has further strengthened its appeal to growers. It has elastic maturity making it well suited from low to high rainfall zones.
Bottler New (Grain Search): Had a look at this one down at Inverleigh SFS trial site earlier in the year. It is a mid-season maturity (6 days earlier then Westminster) export malt type still yet to go through the malt accreditation process. Looks to have good agronomic adaptation to many MRZ and HRZ environments with a reasonable disease profile. Scald S, SFNB S, NFNB MS and leaf rust S. Topped the single site yield analysis at the 2018 Inverleigh NVT trial ahead of RGT Planet.
There are numerous wheat and barley varieties for release in 2020 and seed supply will be dependent on the harvest quality of seed crops. Please consult with your Western AG agronomist today for your 2020 cereal seed requirement.